基于鹿特丹港集装箱航运的西非专家尼罗河航运(NileDutch , NDS),已宣布收购提供欧洲到西非服务和航线的南非航运MPV部门(MPV: Multi-Purpose Vessel ; 多用途船):一个由马士基航运公司拥有独立运行的多用途船业务。
"我们通过本次交易将使NileDutch ( NDS ) 加强在全球航运及其业务的竞争力。特别是在西部非洲有非常多的基础建设正在进行,多用途的产品将为NileDutch带来真正的优势,使我们能够在能源设备、 基础设施、 采矿和农业领域抓住更多的商业机会,在能源设备、 基础设施、 采矿和农业领域。NileDutch CEO Jan Willem de Braal 说 ︰ 通过汇集这2个队伍的专业技术,,我们将会更好的是位于各个市场,为我们的客户提供优质的服务"。
南非航运总经理 Jorg Knuttel评论说:"继2015 年之后的南总航运出售其拥有的船只以来,今天的协议,标志着南非航运完全撤资,并在马士基集团 2015年年度报告中宣布。多年来,SAFMARINE证明,散杂货和集装箱强强联手,这次是一个自然适合的收购。NileDutch 和南非航运在西非方面都是专家,我们依托强大的底蕴专注于客户服务和人际关系。因此,我很高兴我们的业务将继续作为 NileDutch 的一部分。"
据悉,南非航运的欧洲对西部非洲MVP服务将在2016年4月作为NileDutch MPV开始第一次运作。
NileDutch takes over Safmarine MPVNileDutch, the West Africa specialist containerline, has announced the acquisition of the Europe to West Africa services and operations from Safmarine MPV, an independently run multipurpose vessel business owned by Maersk Line.
“The extension of our service offering delivered by this transaction will enable NileDutch to enhance its operational competiveness in global shipping. With so many infrastructure projects underway in especially West Africa, this multipurpose offering gives NileDutch a real edge and will allow us to seize more business opportunities in the fields of energy equipment, infrastructure, mining and agriculture. By bringing together the know-how of both teams, we will be even better positioned to provide premium services to our customers across all markets,” said NileDutch COO Jan Willem de Braal.
Jorg Knuttel, managing director of Safmarine MPV commented: “Following the divestment of Safmarine MPVs owned vessels in 2015, today’s agreement marks the complete divestment of Safmarine MPV, which was announced in the Maersk Group 2015 annual report. For years Safmarine MPV has demonstrated that breakbulk and containers is a strong combination, hence this acquisition is a natural fit. NileDutch and Safmarine MPV are both West Africa specialists with great heritage and strong focus on customer service and personal relationships. As a result, I am happy that our operations will continue as part of NileDutch.”
The operations of Safmarine MPVs Europe to West Africa services will continue as NileDutch MPV with the first sailing commencing in April.
文章来源:海运订舱网本文关键词: sinotrans