
MSC Notice -- MSC Code Application Procedure Summary -- Aug 2023

www.sinotransbooking.com 2023-08-01 11:54:31 海运订舱网


Dearvalued booking agents,

我司发现近期许多订舱代理对于MSC Code的理解和申请流程有诸多疑惑,导致提单样本发送延误或失败,甚至因MSC Code对应的公司备案信息(即向目的港海关申报的内容)与提单不符而产生额外的费用。


Itis notice that our Booking Agents may have some doubts about the understandingand application process of MSC Code recently, resulting in delays or failuresin submitting S/I, and even with additional fees incurred due to theinconsistency between the company's filing information corresponding to MSCCode (i.e. manifest declared to the POD customs) and BL.

Tohave a clear picture to help our Booking Agents, please refer to the completeapplication process as follows:

  • 何时需要提供MSC Code

When do I need to provide MSC Code?

  • 如何获取MSC Code

How do I get MSC Code?

  • 申请MSC Code需要多长时间?

How long does it take to apply for MSC Code?

  • 提供了错误的MSC Code怎么办?

What if the wrong MSC Code is provided?

  • 已成功申请MSC Code,但是如何更新对应的公司备案信息,比如地址、电话、邮件等?

MSC Code has been successfully created, but how to updatethe corresponding company information, such as address, phone number, email,etc.?

  • 其他注意事项?

Other considerations?


Pleasefind details in attachments. Thank you.


本文关键词: MSC

