对于目的地为美国或加拿大,或通过美国或加拿大卸货,中转的危险品, 必须要提供24小时紧急联系人和24小时紧急联系电话. 我司已在今年7月份发布通知(见附件),但是到目前为止仍有部分客人提供的紧急联系人和联系电话不合格,电话或是打不通,或是打过去不会讲英文,或是即使会讲英文但是无法说明该票危险品的技术方面的问题。在这种情况下如果无法通过电话联系到联系人并获得信息,这票危险品货物会被禁止卸在美国或加拿大港口,或者滞留在中转港,甚至回运,责任会由发货人承担.
请参考以下公司信息并通知收货人联络合适的公司申请该项服务。另外请注意在收货人和以下公司签约之前请勿在危险品表格(Final MDGF)上使用以下任意公司的电话号码,否则收发货人均需承担法律责任。
目的地是加拿大: ( 免费--强烈推荐)
CANUTEC – this is a *free service* and run by the government of Canada, so there will be no further issues with importing hazardous cargo.
- Note: This service is provided exclusively to Canadian companies
- Consignee fills out an application to register and CANUTEC gives approval within a few days
- Registration: http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/canutec/register-menu-449.htm
- Link: http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/canutec/menu.htm
- Phone- 613.996.6666 (collect calls are accepted) *666 cellular (in ?xml:namespace>
- Registeration: https://webportal.chemtrec.com/Custom/EditProfile.aspx
- Link: http://www.chemtrec.com/products/usacanauth/Pages/TermsScopePricing.aspx
- Domestic 1-800.424.9300 (toll free US, CA,
- International: 703.527.3887 (collect calls are accepted)
CHEM-TEL, INC., a 24-hour emergency response communications service
- Link: http://www.chemtelinc.com/
- Domestic- 888.255.3924 (toll free US, CA,
- International- 813.248.0585 for calls originating elsewhere (collect calls are accepted)
INFOTRAC, a 24-hour emergency response communications service
- Link: http://www.infotrac.net/ecr.aspx
- Dometsic- 800.535.5033 (toll free US, CA,
- International- 352.323.3500 for calls originating elsewhere (collect calls are accepted)
3E COMPANY, a 24-hour emergency response communications service
- Link: http://3ecompany.com/products-services/emergency-response/
- Domestic- 800.451.8346 (toll free US, CA,
- International - 760.602.8703 for calls originating elsewhere (collect calls are accepted)
NEWALTA – Emergency Response Services: Newalta offers national 24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week
Emergency Response services for industry, transportation and government. Newalta
provides a professional team to service all emergency needs including containment, transfer,
clean-up and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous materials. Newalta ER is equipped,
capable and approved to handle all classes of dangerous goods. Newalta ER can also assist
with creation and submission of Emergency Response Assistance Plans (ERAP).
- Domestic 905.548.5860
- International 800.567.7455