
[Notice] Regarding Personal Effects/Household Goods to PH/ 关于出口至马尼拉的私人物品要求

www.sinotransbooking.com 2024-01-22 17:41:16 海运订舱网

Dear all:


品名:Personal Effects/Household Goods

订舱是需同时提交附件中的保函, 请务必真实敲章后扫描,PDF格式回传。


EDI 订舱客户,邮件申请放舱是和预配一同提供。

如制单时改品名的, 也应当补上附件保函。 如未真实提供, 一切责任风险由客户承担。


According to below H/Q’s guideline, for PersonalEffects/Household Goods to PH, shipper’s LOI should be collected

instead of requesting photos of the goods stuffed in the unit.

Therefore, for personal effects/household bookings to PH,

1. please request shipper for the signed/stamped LOI (refer tothe attached) and upload it to “File Attachment” as Doc kind “L.O.I”.  

2. In addition, please provide HQ T&D part with thescreenshot of an alert message, to see what booking constraints are to beunblocked.

  (make sure to scroll down to the bottom of apop-up to check all seq. numbers are included in it)


本文关键词: HMM

