
MSC Announcement: CFC -- Container Facility Charge -- 2022-07-01

www.sinotransbooking.com 2022-06-09 18:46:43 海运订舱网

Dear Customers,

Please note with the effective date July 1st,2022 Gate in Date at POL, a new Container Facility Charge will apply for all Rail moves viaSeattle & Tacoma.

CFC Seattle/Tacoma USD29.27 per container –all equipment types

Using thisopportunity, we would like to express our sincere appreciation for your kindattention and cooperation. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we could beof any assistance.


Thank you and Best Regards,

MSC Shanghai Sales/CS Dept.

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请勿直接回复此邮件。如有疑问,请联系:61043333 转订舱部、销售部、航线部或客户服务部


本文关键词: MSC 费用相关

